
Upcoming Visit!

Well, I finally had a chance to visit with my prospective IM this morning.  They returned from their vacation late last night.  It sounds as though they will be headed this way to meet myself and my family.  Not sure of when that's happening yet, they need to look at dates and such to see when they can come, but it sounds like they'll be coming on a Friday and leaving Sunday, so it will be a pretty quick visit.  I'm trying to decide if we should plan anything specific for Saturday or not, like dinner at a specific place, or just let things happen as they happen.  We will have to stay at our house some, as B will be needing naps and such, and we're just not THAT exciting lol.  I'll do my best to fill everyone in when I know something, but I think these might be the ones for me!! They seem so like us, it's kind of creepy!  Everyone have a good week!

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