

They're coming tomorrow, I think!!!!  It's about 9 hours from them to us, so they left or are leaving today, they are planning to spend tonight somewhere about halfway here, then coming the rest of the way tomorrow and are going to stay int Mt. Pleasant.  Bubba is on night shift tonight and tomorrow, and has to go in an hour early tomorrow, so we decided that after I get off work (if Henry agrees to this) that they might grab pizza or something easy like that and bring it to my house and we'll hang out a little bit.  That way the initial meeting is over with and we won't be so nervous about Friday.  And Alicia is coming over tonight after Bubba leaves for work and we'll get those cobwebs and bathrooms taken care of, then I'll just have the last minute stuff like vacuuming and picking up toys to do and we'll be ready for company!!! Plus, if they see the house clean tomorrow evening, I won't feel quite as pressured to have it as clean for Friday lol!  Anyway, gotta go take my big boy for his checkup so he can go to kindergarten this year!!  He's getting SO BIG!!  And I'm such a proud mama, he has an owie he says the dr. needs to look at while we're there.  We'll see if he remembers it.  Have a great day, I'll try to update tomorrow evening or Friday morning, but I can't promise anything until Saturday!!

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