
Pregnancy, week 4

Yes, I'm just a day or 2 away from 4 weeks pregnant. Strange, huh? I don't really feel any different, I had a bad couple of days as far as nausea goes, but I was exhausted so I think that contributed to it. I have noticed an increase in appetite (but really, I think I just have an excuse to eat more, so I do ;) you all know me!) but not that "get me some food or I'm going to either puke or pass out" feeling.
I have my first OB appointment scheduled for the first week of January, I should be about 8 weeks then. Emily and Henry are unsure if they are going to come to the appointment, but it's completely up to them. Of course, they would kind of like to see an ultrasound, but that doesn't typically happen until about 20 weeks. They will be here for that for SURE! I was told there is a very slight chance that they will do one in the office at that first visit, but I'm not so sure about that. I'm not going to discourage it, but I'm not going to hold my breath on it. Either way, they're going to be excited, I know.
Anyway, that's my boring update on the pregnancy. Somebody give me some ideas of what to blog about: is there a particular aspect of surrogacy you're curious about? let me know and I'll do my best to explain or answer you. I'm planning to do another update before Christmas, we'll see if I find time ;)

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