
I Passed!!!

Had my 28 week checkup on Friday. Also had the joys of getting my Rhogam shot and doing the glucose test (to check for gestational diabetes). Rhogam is not bad, just a shot in the hip or the shoulder, just burns pretty bad, kind of like a tetanus shot. I got to drink the juice stuff then go to my appointment then go back for my blood draw for the glucose test (they draw the blood exatly an hour after consuming the drink to see how your body breaks down the sugars in the drink, or something like that). While I'm not 100% sure of what the guidelines for "normal" are on the glucose test, I know that I got a 101. I'm choosing to believe that's like an A+ ;) but I think I might be a bit off on that. Either way, the nurse said it was good when she called me with the results. Nothing exciting at the checkup, she said my weight looks good (didn't tell me where I stand as far as my total), asked if I have any signs of preterm labor (no), asked if I have any questions (just one). I asked about the baby being big again. Bradin was a 9 lb baby and to be honest, I'd prefer not to go any bigger LOL! She did say that by measuring my uterus I was measuring right on, and that we could do an ultrasound farther on if we were concerned, but to be honest, there's nothing we can do about it. Large baby is not a good medical reason to induce early, just gives me a reason to aim for an earlier elective c-section (which I DO NOT WANT!).
Emily and Henry are coming up in 2 weeks for the next appointment, and the doc had said that we could probably arrange for an ultrasound to be done then!!! That's all I have for updates, I know, this is SO BORING isn't it??? But remember, that's a good thing!!!!

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