
And now I have pcitures!

OK, well, sorry to be a big tease, but I only have 2 pictures. I was a bit busy so I managed to grab 2 pics on my phone so I'll share with you since her parents graciously agreed that I could.
This is shortly after birth. They cleaned her up and gave her the eye goop and stuff.
And here is a few hours after birth. She was sleeping peacefully after guzzling down a bottle. Her mama and daddy are SO PROUD!!
Oh, and I got all the stats now: 7:06 PM, 7 lbs 8.5 oz, 20 in long. So precious!! Everyone have a fantastic weekend!!


Today was the induction, I know I said I'd try to update throughout the day here, but between text messages, facebook, baby center and contractions, it just didn't happen. It's nothing personal, but I knwo most of you follow me elsewhere FIRST before this, so that's why I did it that way.
Arrived in L&D (labor and delivery) at about 10am. By the time they did all the intake questions and got vitals, got me in a gown and peed in a cup, it was about 11:15 and they then started the IV. A few mins later the pitocin was started. Felt maybe a few contractions for a while, started feeling them for sure about 1PM. Around 3:30 got some fentanyl for pain, tried a partial dose first, but that didn't last long. Got a full dose at 4:30, and then said I'd go for the epidural next. Had to have 2 bags of IV fluid in me before they'd give me the epidural, so I finally got that around 6, everyone left to get some supper around 6:15 or 6:30, doc suggested they be back around 7, thinking we'd be pushing by 8. The escapees ;) got back around 6:45, doc was checking me because I was still feeling contractions in the lower left side of my belly pretty badly, she checked and said it was time to push! Pushed a couple times and her head was out, then they said her hand was up by her neck, like she was trying to dig her way out, after the suctioned her mouth and nose we pushed through another contraction and she was out!!! Henry cut the cord and they cleaned her up and took her over to the baby bed. Emily and Henry (obviously) went to be with her while doc took care of the placenta. **WARNING: THIS IS DISGUSTING CONTENET HERE!!! STOP READING IF YOU'RE SQUEAMISH OR EATING!!** One of the nurses was rubbing my belly a bit, and the doc said to stop, my cervix was clamping down and we needed to get the placenta out. She tried pulling a bit on the cord, but it didn't come. Doc actually had to stick her hand and part of her arm up inside me (I felt kind of like I was on Dirty Jobs when Mike Rowe was inseminating cows) and pull it off the wall of my uterus. Then she had to go back up in there and check to be sure she got it all, there was a little piece left, but she said she's pretty sure she got it all finally.
Anyway, little "dorothy" was 7lb 8.5oz and has a head full of dark hair. Her parents took her to another room after a while, where they fed her and bonded with her. They went after a while and got some supper, and are headed back here as I type. I think they're pretty much in love with her, and I think she's already got daddy wrapped around her little finger. Could be trouble!!! She's perfect, though, and I'll do my best to post pics later, when I get some and when I get Emily and Henry's permission to do so. Thanks for following my surrogacy story, there will be more post-birth updates, and I'm hoping there will be another journey, but not for a FEW months at least ;)

Today is B-Day!

Yes, today is the BIG DAY!! We are going into the hospital in about 2 hours for the induction. Emily and Henry are here, we spent some quality time together last night, ate chinese (Dorothy LOVES chinese!), and hung out with a few of my friends. I'm going to do my best to update here as often as I can (yes, I'm crazy like that), and I will be texting and posting on Facebook ALL DAY LONG for those of you who have me on there.


The last checkup!!!

Yes, folks, we are nearing the end!! It is now officially less than a week away! Checkup went well yesterday, dilated to 2, about 50% effaced, baby's heartbeat was in the 140s. Third trimester exhaustion has set in, went to bed about 8PM Thursday (after falling asleep in the chair at 7:30) and haven't managed to stay up past 10 since. Which of course results in less productive days, but what can you do? Speaking of which, it's now about 10:30 and I'm seriously ready to shut the computer and drift off to sleep...IF I can get comfortable. We'll see...have a great weekend, everyone!!!


Another update already!!

Yes, I'm SO on the ball with this one!! Had my checkup today. Discussed the induction a bit more in-depth, yay for me, she said we'd just say to heck with the cervidil, which means no overnight visit on Thursday!!! Her view was worst case scenario, we just add a couple more hours to labor, which isn't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Beats sleeping in the hospital bed all pregnant and stuff!
She also did a cervix check today. Fun, fun. Said my cervix is softened, still long, and about 30% effaced. I hope that means something to some of you! All that means to me is that I'm most likely going to give birth within the next 2 weeks. (yes, I can say 2 weeks because we have an induction scheduled hehe)
One thing I noticed the last day or 2 is that Dorothy must have dropped. I was having some pretty serious sciatic nerve pain, and I was thinking somewhat seriously about cutting out part of my spine and hips temporarily, but Dorothy decided to get off of my nerves or whatever she was perched on, and now I only notice the pain when I stay in 1 position for waaaay too long. YAY!!! It's a small victory for a pregnant woman to feel this great!! In fact, I actually forgot I was pregnant today and opened the car door into my belly LOL (don't worry, it wasn't very hard and Dorothy is well insulated by lots of amniotic fluid and belly flab--who ever said belly flab is a bad thing, btw?) because I felt THAT GOOD!!!
So the next checkup is next Friday, I suppose I'll have another update for y'all then! I'm planning to enjoy the last 2 weeks of this pregnancy by devouring some HuHot this weekend with friends (YAY!!) and celebrating hubby's birthday on Thursday somehow (any cheap suggestions???). Hope you all have a great week!!!


FINALLY an update!

Yes, I know, it's been nearly a WEEK since my last appointment. SORRY!! Just prior to that my little B had diarrhea for A WEEEK straight and we were getting pretty worried about him. Of course, we took him to the doctor on Tuesday and Wednesday, then (assuming I should plan for him to continue being sick on Friday during my checkup) I changed my appointment just so he would get better on Thursday. Figures, huh? I guess he was just waiting for his sickness to be a real inconvenience!!
Anyway, back to the checkup. This was the 36 week checkup so the doc checked my cervix. Slightly softened, no dilation or shortening. Also did the Group B Strep swab (for those of you not familiar with this, doc swabs your "down there" parts with a GIANT q-tip and they test it for group b strep--which is completely normal--and if you test positive you get antibiotics in your IV during labor and delivery) and he of course inquired as to the readiness of Emily and Henry.
Emily had told me the other day (Friday I think) that they hadn't even STARTED Dorothy's room. YIKES!! This past weekend Henry's dad visited them and brought a crib so Emily got started on the nursery this week. As of yesterday I believe it was basically ready except she is still on the prowl for a white dresser, or at least an affordable one she can repaint. She of course has WAAAAY too many smaller clothes (isn't that the way it usually is??) and not too many bigger clothes.
As for the pregnancy, it's going smashingly STILL. On the 4th I ran into 2 different people (separately) who commented on it. 1 just did the whole "when are you due? Aren't you so ready for it?" and the other commented that I wasn't near big enough to be due in a few weeks...thanks lady. Nothing makes you feel like you're not doing a good job growing someone else's baby like saying you're not big enough (insinuating the baby won't be fully developed or something). Also, I've been having some Braxton Hicks the last few days. Mostly when I am up walking around, doing things with/for the boys a lot, so I try to keep it to a minimum at this point. Yes, it's making me lazy.
And yes, for now the induction is still planned for the 29th. However, if 2 mamas come in in labor, we get bumped for fairly obvious reasons. Shouldn't be much of a problem, though. It's a small practice and I doubt they have too many due at the same time. But, you never know!!
I have another checkup tomorrow, and hope to update within a more reasonable time period this time, but no promises!!! Life as a mom of 2 crazy kids doesn't always allow that!! For right now, I'm going to get us dressed and we'll go outside and get some fresh air before it gets too hot outside. Yay for being pregnant in July...