

Today was the induction, I know I said I'd try to update throughout the day here, but between text messages, facebook, baby center and contractions, it just didn't happen. It's nothing personal, but I knwo most of you follow me elsewhere FIRST before this, so that's why I did it that way.
Arrived in L&D (labor and delivery) at about 10am. By the time they did all the intake questions and got vitals, got me in a gown and peed in a cup, it was about 11:15 and they then started the IV. A few mins later the pitocin was started. Felt maybe a few contractions for a while, started feeling them for sure about 1PM. Around 3:30 got some fentanyl for pain, tried a partial dose first, but that didn't last long. Got a full dose at 4:30, and then said I'd go for the epidural next. Had to have 2 bags of IV fluid in me before they'd give me the epidural, so I finally got that around 6, everyone left to get some supper around 6:15 or 6:30, doc suggested they be back around 7, thinking we'd be pushing by 8. The escapees ;) got back around 6:45, doc was checking me because I was still feeling contractions in the lower left side of my belly pretty badly, she checked and said it was time to push! Pushed a couple times and her head was out, then they said her hand was up by her neck, like she was trying to dig her way out, after the suctioned her mouth and nose we pushed through another contraction and she was out!!! Henry cut the cord and they cleaned her up and took her over to the baby bed. Emily and Henry (obviously) went to be with her while doc took care of the placenta. **WARNING: THIS IS DISGUSTING CONTENET HERE!!! STOP READING IF YOU'RE SQUEAMISH OR EATING!!** One of the nurses was rubbing my belly a bit, and the doc said to stop, my cervix was clamping down and we needed to get the placenta out. She tried pulling a bit on the cord, but it didn't come. Doc actually had to stick her hand and part of her arm up inside me (I felt kind of like I was on Dirty Jobs when Mike Rowe was inseminating cows) and pull it off the wall of my uterus. Then she had to go back up in there and check to be sure she got it all, there was a little piece left, but she said she's pretty sure she got it all finally.
Anyway, little "dorothy" was 7lb 8.5oz and has a head full of dark hair. Her parents took her to another room after a while, where they fed her and bonded with her. They went after a while and got some supper, and are headed back here as I type. I think they're pretty much in love with her, and I think she's already got daddy wrapped around her little finger. Could be trouble!!! She's perfect, though, and I'll do my best to post pics later, when I get some and when I get Emily and Henry's permission to do so. Thanks for following my surrogacy story, there will be more post-birth updates, and I'm hoping there will be another journey, but not for a FEW months at least ;)

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