
4 months!!

Well, baby dorothy is now 4 months old. She is growing wonderfully and developing well. She had her first taste of mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving, I guess she was a little unsure of it LOL!!

On the weight loss front, I'm closing in on 30 lbs lost since August 11. Thanksgiving was not so great on my diet, and rather than the 27.5 lbs I HAD lost, I'm now back up to only 26 lbs lost :/ Not thrilled about that...

And since it's officially the holiday season and I'm not surrogating (is that a word? LOL) currently, I found another great way to share somethig special with others. Check out http://thetoysociety.blogspot.com and you'll see what it's all about!! I plan to involve at least my 6 year old in this, the 2 year old MIGHT get involved, but he's not as easy to help make things as his big brother is.

So happy holidays everyone, Hopefully it won't be another 3 months before I update again!!!



Blogland is starting to frustrate me. I've tried and tried to comment on blogs, even my own, and I'm continuously being told my profile doesn't have clearance to do that, or something to that effect. Any suggestions???

Well, I'm still working on the whole fun of weight loss...yippee. Since the 13th, I've lost about 10 lbs. It hasn't been easy, I've been working out A LOT, sort of doing the c25k program (you can find it here) and using our elliptical. I need to update the upbeat music in my mp3 player, it's pretty old and pretty nonexistant as far as keeping it up goes. Maybe that's what I'll do today to finish off naptime. I'm also following a blog about starting a workout routine and keeping it going.

I'm also starting a new job on Monday. I'll be temping at a company in Fairfield (about 45 minutes from my house) and getting some more clerical experience to add to my resumee. I'm hoping to have a permanent job before the little man's birthday in October, but let's be honest, the job market isn't that great right now. For anybody.

Tomorrow Baby Dorothy will be 4 whole weeks old!! She's doing well, can still fit some newborn clothes, and is growing and eating well. She's up to 4 oz at each feeding and it sounds like she is sleeping pretty well for a 4 week old. Of course, she's still GORGEOUS, I asked if all that dark hair was changing color or getting thinner, her mama said it's getting a tiny bit lighter but is still very thick. Looks and sounds like they're loving their new little family.

And it seems that's all I have for now. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Yep, it's official...

I had my first "what happened to the baby?" conversation the other day and I've been thinking about it ever since. Chuckling. It went something like this:

Hey, I thought you had 3?
Oh, well then...
Yeah, the third pregnancy was a surrogacy.
(significant silence) Meaning what?
Meaning I grew a baby for other people.
Oh. Wow. Are you friends with them? (HA!One of my favorite questions!)
Well, I am now. Wasn't before I met them as prospective IPs.
Oh. Well, that's nice of you.

It was a very interesting conversation, with a man in my small town who's son I went to school with. Very interesting, indeed. And I thought it was all over town! And today while walking a bit uptown a lady gave me a funny look when she asked where the baby was and I said Kentucky...I love those reactions! I just let her puzzle on it though. Why ruin my fun? I don't see her very often anyway. Aren't I mean??? Hehe!

Not that people asking about Dorothy and her parents bothers me or annoys me (most of the time), but really, do you think I grew them a baby because I DON'T like them??? And do you think they'd entrust me with doing that for them and NOT somewhat get to know me and have fairly constant contact with me for something like 9ish months?? HA!! I'd be ALL OVER some chick if she was doing it for me!! Heck, I'd probably try to get her to move to my town so I could be on top of her 24/7! People entertain me. I love it!


Attempting to lose weight...I think I'd rather just give birth again!

Yes, losing baby weight has always been hard for me. I'm sure there are a few of you out there who have the same problem. I'm REALLY good at gaining weight! I don't eat as healthy as I should, and I'm not all that fond of fresh fruits and veggies (unless they're fried or sauteed in tons of butter), so obviously that's a bit of an issue. I've been walking quite a bit, using the elliptical we have in our basement, and I just started the c25k program last week. It's an 8 or 9 week program called couch to 5K. You're supposed to be able to go from a sedentary lifestyle (my lifestyle) to running a 5K at the end...it's a pretty neat FREE program with FREE podcasts of music, the idea is walk, jog, walk, jog, etc. for 30 mins. The podcasts have a notification to tell you when to switch and you're supposed to match your steps to the beat of the music. Not a bad plan. I did it last night on the track at the school and was thrilled to discover that you're jogging maybe 1/4 of the way around the track at a time. Not bad. And I managed to jog all of the bits I was supposed to jog on with the exception of the last 5 minutes. Each week you download a new podcast track with new music on it, and you're supposed to do it 3 times that week. I think I'll probably end up doing the first week twice, because I am too much of a fatty to do all the jogging I'm supposed to do, and I don't want to continue on until I master this track. I'm very determined this time to lose as much of the weight as I can before Christmas. I'll be able to think about another surrogacy in February, and I'd like to be able to pass most of the clinic's BMI qualifications. Anyway, this is probably what this blog is going to consist of for the next while, weight loss. Because it's important to surrogacy #2.
Baby Dorothy is doing very well, her mama and daddy have been quite busy loving on her and caring for her. She seems to be growing well and her doctor says she is gaining weight nicely. At her 2 week checkup she had gained an entire pound!! And of course, she's still gorgeous. But would I really expect any less??
I'm also on the job hunt. Let's just say the weight loss is going better than the job hunt. :S I despise job hunting. I've filled out a TON of applications, but I've gotten 2 rejection letters and a lot of no replys thus far. UGH. Keep your fingers crossed for me on both the job and the weight loss. And that I'll be able to continue working out and losing weight after I find a job. I know that's going to be a challenge.


She's a whole week old!!!

Yes, that's right, Baby Dorothy is a whole week old! She had her first checkup with the doctor on Thursday and they said she looks great and seems to be perfectly healthy. I think she looks pretty perfect. Don't you?

I'm doing pretty well, physically I feel mostly recouperated and emotionally I'm no worse than either of my previous deliveries. The hormones are still a litte out of whack and I've freaked out on the boys a couple times this week, but that's not too out of the norm ;) they like to push my buttons.

I was hoping to get some stuff accomplished this week, and I did get 1 thing nearly done. I have been working on making a quilt for our bed. The one we received as a wedding present from my aunt (yes, 8 years ago!) is finally getting close to it's last days. It will soon be moved to my trunk so it can be our picnic/in case of emergencies/outdoor blanket. I washed it today and I believe it's pretty much on it's last leg. :( Here's what I have so far:

And I'm excited to add a border or 2 to it, then quilt and bind it. I'm hoping I have that done by Christmas. I have several crafty things I'd like to make for friends and famiy for Christmas, so I hope I get them all done in time!

I'll update on baby Dorothy and the quilt (hopefully!) soon!


The Aftermath

Today is Tuesday, Baby Dorothy was born on Friday. I can't believe how GREAT I feel!! **WARNING: TMI!!! STOP READING IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!**
The bleeding has slowed significantly, I'm only going to the bathroom a few times a day now (back to normal!) because I don't feel the need to spray myself with the dermoplast every 2 hours ;) (that stuff is AMAZING!!! HEAVEN IN A CAN!!), and my body isn't as stiff and sore as it was. I'm still not back to 100% yet, and I don't think I'll be riding my bike until next spring, but I think I'll be able to carry my toddler OVER the baby gate by the end of the week.
Another fun development: my milk decided to try coming in overnight last night. Woke up this morning with damp spots on my shirt and sore breasts. Not fun. Especially when I tried to put on my bra this morning and what used to be a full-coverage situation is now a "shoot, am I going to fall out of this one today?" situation. BUT, hopefully this will only last a few days and then it will go away.
Baby Dorothy is doing well, Emily was asking me yesterday about giving her more formula per feeding, since she gets fussy about a half hour after feedings and it's not diaper or gas or anything else. It's so fantastic to still be included in her life, and I'm more than happy to throw my thoughts out there for her. (not that they're necessarily right, but they're there LOL) All of her grandparents have met her now, I believe. She has 1 set that lives several hours away from them, so they weren't 100% sure when they were going to see her as his health is a bit questionable at the moment, but I imagine it won't be too much longer if they haven't met her yet.
It is time for me to head to the pharmacy, I get to go pick up more dermoplast (yes, we still have a good relationship with each other!!) and grab a few minor groceries, then I get to go sign the FINAL bit of legal paperwork I have to do for this surrogacy. Can't believe in a few short hours it will literally all be DONE!! Emily and Henry will still have some legal stuff to do on their part, but once I sign papers today, I'll have NO connection (legally) to the baby!! Hope everyone has a fantastic day!!


And now I have pcitures!

OK, well, sorry to be a big tease, but I only have 2 pictures. I was a bit busy so I managed to grab 2 pics on my phone so I'll share with you since her parents graciously agreed that I could.
This is shortly after birth. They cleaned her up and gave her the eye goop and stuff.
And here is a few hours after birth. She was sleeping peacefully after guzzling down a bottle. Her mama and daddy are SO PROUD!!
Oh, and I got all the stats now: 7:06 PM, 7 lbs 8.5 oz, 20 in long. So precious!! Everyone have a fantastic weekend!!


Today was the induction, I know I said I'd try to update throughout the day here, but between text messages, facebook, baby center and contractions, it just didn't happen. It's nothing personal, but I knwo most of you follow me elsewhere FIRST before this, so that's why I did it that way.
Arrived in L&D (labor and delivery) at about 10am. By the time they did all the intake questions and got vitals, got me in a gown and peed in a cup, it was about 11:15 and they then started the IV. A few mins later the pitocin was started. Felt maybe a few contractions for a while, started feeling them for sure about 1PM. Around 3:30 got some fentanyl for pain, tried a partial dose first, but that didn't last long. Got a full dose at 4:30, and then said I'd go for the epidural next. Had to have 2 bags of IV fluid in me before they'd give me the epidural, so I finally got that around 6, everyone left to get some supper around 6:15 or 6:30, doc suggested they be back around 7, thinking we'd be pushing by 8. The escapees ;) got back around 6:45, doc was checking me because I was still feeling contractions in the lower left side of my belly pretty badly, she checked and said it was time to push! Pushed a couple times and her head was out, then they said her hand was up by her neck, like she was trying to dig her way out, after the suctioned her mouth and nose we pushed through another contraction and she was out!!! Henry cut the cord and they cleaned her up and took her over to the baby bed. Emily and Henry (obviously) went to be with her while doc took care of the placenta. **WARNING: THIS IS DISGUSTING CONTENET HERE!!! STOP READING IF YOU'RE SQUEAMISH OR EATING!!** One of the nurses was rubbing my belly a bit, and the doc said to stop, my cervix was clamping down and we needed to get the placenta out. She tried pulling a bit on the cord, but it didn't come. Doc actually had to stick her hand and part of her arm up inside me (I felt kind of like I was on Dirty Jobs when Mike Rowe was inseminating cows) and pull it off the wall of my uterus. Then she had to go back up in there and check to be sure she got it all, there was a little piece left, but she said she's pretty sure she got it all finally.
Anyway, little "dorothy" was 7lb 8.5oz and has a head full of dark hair. Her parents took her to another room after a while, where they fed her and bonded with her. They went after a while and got some supper, and are headed back here as I type. I think they're pretty much in love with her, and I think she's already got daddy wrapped around her little finger. Could be trouble!!! She's perfect, though, and I'll do my best to post pics later, when I get some and when I get Emily and Henry's permission to do so. Thanks for following my surrogacy story, there will be more post-birth updates, and I'm hoping there will be another journey, but not for a FEW months at least ;)

Today is B-Day!

Yes, today is the BIG DAY!! We are going into the hospital in about 2 hours for the induction. Emily and Henry are here, we spent some quality time together last night, ate chinese (Dorothy LOVES chinese!), and hung out with a few of my friends. I'm going to do my best to update here as often as I can (yes, I'm crazy like that), and I will be texting and posting on Facebook ALL DAY LONG for those of you who have me on there.


The last checkup!!!

Yes, folks, we are nearing the end!! It is now officially less than a week away! Checkup went well yesterday, dilated to 2, about 50% effaced, baby's heartbeat was in the 140s. Third trimester exhaustion has set in, went to bed about 8PM Thursday (after falling asleep in the chair at 7:30) and haven't managed to stay up past 10 since. Which of course results in less productive days, but what can you do? Speaking of which, it's now about 10:30 and I'm seriously ready to shut the computer and drift off to sleep...IF I can get comfortable. We'll see...have a great weekend, everyone!!!


Another update already!!

Yes, I'm SO on the ball with this one!! Had my checkup today. Discussed the induction a bit more in-depth, yay for me, she said we'd just say to heck with the cervidil, which means no overnight visit on Thursday!!! Her view was worst case scenario, we just add a couple more hours to labor, which isn't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Beats sleeping in the hospital bed all pregnant and stuff!
She also did a cervix check today. Fun, fun. Said my cervix is softened, still long, and about 30% effaced. I hope that means something to some of you! All that means to me is that I'm most likely going to give birth within the next 2 weeks. (yes, I can say 2 weeks because we have an induction scheduled hehe)
One thing I noticed the last day or 2 is that Dorothy must have dropped. I was having some pretty serious sciatic nerve pain, and I was thinking somewhat seriously about cutting out part of my spine and hips temporarily, but Dorothy decided to get off of my nerves or whatever she was perched on, and now I only notice the pain when I stay in 1 position for waaaay too long. YAY!!! It's a small victory for a pregnant woman to feel this great!! In fact, I actually forgot I was pregnant today and opened the car door into my belly LOL (don't worry, it wasn't very hard and Dorothy is well insulated by lots of amniotic fluid and belly flab--who ever said belly flab is a bad thing, btw?) because I felt THAT GOOD!!!
So the next checkup is next Friday, I suppose I'll have another update for y'all then! I'm planning to enjoy the last 2 weeks of this pregnancy by devouring some HuHot this weekend with friends (YAY!!) and celebrating hubby's birthday on Thursday somehow (any cheap suggestions???). Hope you all have a great week!!!


FINALLY an update!

Yes, I know, it's been nearly a WEEK since my last appointment. SORRY!! Just prior to that my little B had diarrhea for A WEEEK straight and we were getting pretty worried about him. Of course, we took him to the doctor on Tuesday and Wednesday, then (assuming I should plan for him to continue being sick on Friday during my checkup) I changed my appointment just so he would get better on Thursday. Figures, huh? I guess he was just waiting for his sickness to be a real inconvenience!!
Anyway, back to the checkup. This was the 36 week checkup so the doc checked my cervix. Slightly softened, no dilation or shortening. Also did the Group B Strep swab (for those of you not familiar with this, doc swabs your "down there" parts with a GIANT q-tip and they test it for group b strep--which is completely normal--and if you test positive you get antibiotics in your IV during labor and delivery) and he of course inquired as to the readiness of Emily and Henry.
Emily had told me the other day (Friday I think) that they hadn't even STARTED Dorothy's room. YIKES!! This past weekend Henry's dad visited them and brought a crib so Emily got started on the nursery this week. As of yesterday I believe it was basically ready except she is still on the prowl for a white dresser, or at least an affordable one she can repaint. She of course has WAAAAY too many smaller clothes (isn't that the way it usually is??) and not too many bigger clothes.
As for the pregnancy, it's going smashingly STILL. On the 4th I ran into 2 different people (separately) who commented on it. 1 just did the whole "when are you due? Aren't you so ready for it?" and the other commented that I wasn't near big enough to be due in a few weeks...thanks lady. Nothing makes you feel like you're not doing a good job growing someone else's baby like saying you're not big enough (insinuating the baby won't be fully developed or something). Also, I've been having some Braxton Hicks the last few days. Mostly when I am up walking around, doing things with/for the boys a lot, so I try to keep it to a minimum at this point. Yes, it's making me lazy.
And yes, for now the induction is still planned for the 29th. However, if 2 mamas come in in labor, we get bumped for fairly obvious reasons. Shouldn't be much of a problem, though. It's a small practice and I doubt they have too many due at the same time. But, you never know!!
I have another checkup tomorrow, and hope to update within a more reasonable time period this time, but no promises!!! Life as a mom of 2 crazy kids doesn't always allow that!! For right now, I'm going to get us dressed and we'll go outside and get some fresh air before it gets too hot outside. Yay for being pregnant in July...


34 weeks!

Alrighty, NOW things are starting to get a bit exciting!! Yesterday was the 34 week checkup. Guess what we did....

We scheduled an induction!!!!! So for all of you who are getting super duper excited, Dorothy will be here (or at least well on her way) on or before JULY 29!!!

Dorothy is measuring right where she should be, heart rate sounded good and my b/p was good. AND I actually sort of packed my hospital bag the other day. The hubs and I were picking up and rearranging in our bedroom and I came across the bag of toiletries from our little vacation we took at the beginning of the month and so I decided that rather than putting them away I'd just put most of it in the bag I had designated as the hospital bag. That's using the old noggin, right?

I'm getting more and more excited about birth, and while I know I'll miss being pregnant, there's always next time (I HOPE!!) and I know she's going to be in good hands. Emily and Henry are getting very very excited as well. Although IDK if they're really ready, they're ready. No first time parent is ever REALLY ready, are they? Shoot, we weren't ready the 2nd time around, either!!! LOL! The important part is, I know they're going to be great parents, and they have a fantastic support system, they're not really high strung, but they care enough to worry, and they're very sweet. It's hard to believe we've only known each other for a year. It was just about a year ago right now that I emailed them and asked if they would be interested in seeing if we are a match. They were on vacation, so I didn't hear back for a couple of days. And it's been wonderful ever since!!

So that's this week's recap. Next appointment is on July 8, then after that I sstart going in weekly and there's only 3 weekly visits, as the 4th (which wuld be 40 weeks, AKA full term) visit would be scheduled on the day we are planning to induce (IF she's not here yet). So I'll catch y'all in a couple of weeks!!! Have a great weekend and fantastic 4th of July!!!


32 Week Checkup

Yesterday was my 32 week checkup. We just got back from a little vacation to Omaha on Wednesday, so I've been very busy getting laundry washed and put away and all of that other little post-vacation stuff you get to "enjoy" after being away for several days.
My appointment was at 10:15 but I had a bill to pay at the hospital, so I went early to do that, and ended up being at the drs office by 9:55 and they called my name right away! Pee looked good, baby's heartrate was in the 160s, measured on the bigger side of right on track, and weight looked pretty good. I didn't have any questions for the doc, but we discussed how my weight gain was doing, which was good. She pointed out the 1 month where I had gained 11 lbs (only had gained a few lbs up till then) and I commented that was the month I rediscovered swiss cake rolls. Then we got off on a tangent about yummy foods while she washed her hands, she commented that she has been known to eat a half loaf of french bread with olive oil and parmesan cheese. So of course after my visit, I had to run to the store for a few things and passed the freshly baked bread a couple of times. Do you think I managed to surpress the craving???

NO!!! So I ate 3 pieces of the bread on the way home. IT. WAS. DELICIOUS!!! And today I got to go to the farmers market and another pregnant friend has been recommending 1 lady's bumbleberry pie for a while (she wasn't there when I went a few weeks ago, I was disappointed) and I GOT ONE!!! Needless to say, lunch has started with a slice of it today, and might just end with one as well!!! DELICIOUS!!!
Oh, yeah, this blog is supposed to be about pregnancy, not food....um, well, I guess that covers my cravings!! (OK, let's be realistic, that doesn't even come close to covering my cravings, but the more I talk about them, the stronger they get!)
So, sorry this is another boring post, but that's all I've got for you, folks. Another checkup in 2 weeks. That will be another boring one. Aren't you glad you're following this blog?! How can you contain your excitement?!


30 week checkup!

Today was the 30 week checkup! Emily and Henry came up for the appointment, drove through the POURING RAIN on Wednesday evening just to get here for Thursday. Thursday we went for pedicures (Henry went along, but I SWEAR he didn't get a pedi!!) and lunch, then met with our awesome attorney to give her info she needed for the PBO paperwork. Then Thursday evening hubby and the boys and I met Emily and Henry at a mexican restaurant for a festive supper. Food was good, friends were better! My oldest has taken quite a shine to Henry. Big guy got a dirt bike yesterday and Henry is an avid ATVing dude, so they kind of bonded over that. Z wanted to sit on Henry's lap through supper, poor guy, but I think Henry kind of enjoyed it as well. He's so gentle with the boys, and really seems to like them, even though they can be trying at times (yes, believe it or not, kids can be trying at times, especially mine!!). He's going to make a great daddy, but I'm pretty sure Kenzie is going to have him wrapped around her little bitty fingers from the moment she's born!!
Anyway, on to today! We met at my house and headed to the doc's office. The interpreter met us there. She was SUPER AWESOME!!! The only bad thing about today was the exam room was a wee bit crowded, but hey, the more the merrier, right??? We had the doc, the nurse, the interpreter, Emily, Henry and I all in an itty bitty room meant for 2-3, possibly 4 people if you stretch it. But it was wonderful! Doc listened for the heartbeat first. He had them put their hands over the speaker on the doppler (that little speaker thingy they use to listen for the heartbeat) and they got to FEEL her heartbeat!!! It was amazing! THEN he got out the ultrasound machine (thus making it even MORE crowded, but I'm pretty sure it was worth it!) and pressed the dohickey (like my accurate medical terms?? :D I'm that good!) to my belly and looked around, showed them her face, her lips (which were moving!), her arm and hand, leg bones, heart, lungs, everything he could see!! Also pointed out that she appears to be measuring right on track for 30 weeks, AND she's head down at this point. Not that she can't turn between now and delivery, but it's good that she's headed the right direction!! Henry is still a bit worried about the thought of induction, as there are dangers associated with it, just like any other medical procedure (including non-induced labor!), so they discussed the procedure a bit more in depth with the doc than I can explain to them. Not sure where they stand on the induction idea now, but either way I'm good. Of course, having the luxury of sort of knowing when your baby is going to start making her entrance (or in my case, knowing when you're going to be incapacitated for a couple of days and needing to be sure your kids are taken care of) is VERY nice!! And I do know that just because we plan for an induction, doesn't necessarily mean that's what's going to happen.
So we had the opportunity to take some decent pics this time, of all of us together! I'll share:

Hope everyone has a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend!!! Next checkup is in 2 weeks, so I guess I'll update then unless something happens between now and then.


I Passed!!!

Had my 28 week checkup on Friday. Also had the joys of getting my Rhogam shot and doing the glucose test (to check for gestational diabetes). Rhogam is not bad, just a shot in the hip or the shoulder, just burns pretty bad, kind of like a tetanus shot. I got to drink the juice stuff then go to my appointment then go back for my blood draw for the glucose test (they draw the blood exatly an hour after consuming the drink to see how your body breaks down the sugars in the drink, or something like that). While I'm not 100% sure of what the guidelines for "normal" are on the glucose test, I know that I got a 101. I'm choosing to believe that's like an A+ ;) but I think I might be a bit off on that. Either way, the nurse said it was good when she called me with the results. Nothing exciting at the checkup, she said my weight looks good (didn't tell me where I stand as far as my total), asked if I have any signs of preterm labor (no), asked if I have any questions (just one). I asked about the baby being big again. Bradin was a 9 lb baby and to be honest, I'd prefer not to go any bigger LOL! She did say that by measuring my uterus I was measuring right on, and that we could do an ultrasound farther on if we were concerned, but to be honest, there's nothing we can do about it. Large baby is not a good medical reason to induce early, just gives me a reason to aim for an earlier elective c-section (which I DO NOT WANT!).
Emily and Henry are coming up in 2 weeks for the next appointment, and the doc had said that we could probably arrange for an ultrasound to be done then!!! That's all I have for updates, I know, this is SO BORING isn't it??? But remember, that's a good thing!!!!


26 week checkup!

Yep, this morning was my checkup. Boring, as usual. Heard the heartbeat, sounded good and strong, and doc said I am measuring just right for 26 weeks. We discussed my fear of this baby being even bigger than Bradin was (he came out at 9 lbs!), but doc said that measuring the uterus is fairly reliable and "normal" measurements suggest that baby is going to be of "average size" (7-8 lb range) but suggested we do an ultrasound at 30ish weeks (which, incidentally is when Emily and Henry will be here for a dr.s appointment...sort of a coincidince, sort of not hehe) to do some measurements, just to be more sure.
I start being seen every 2 weeks now, so the updates will be more frequent. And at my next checkup I get to do all of the fun stuff: 1-hour glucose test, rhogam workup, and rhogam shot. Yippee!!! That means that before my checkup I get to run over to the hospital and drink the orange drink (kind of tastes like half-carbonated orange soda, some women despise it, I don't mind it.) then in an hour they will do a blood draw to see how my body breaks down the sugars I ingest. The rhogam shot is just a shot, but basically it's since I'm Rh negative, if the baby's blood type is positive and the baby's blood mixes with my blood, my body could try to fight it like a disease and it could hurt the baby. This shot is given at 28ish weeks and prevents my body from reacting to the baby's blood. It's well worth getting a shot, and besides, who doesn't love a good burning shot in the hip or shoulder?????
The only negative thing that came out of today is the weight. By my weight chart, it APPEARS that I've gained 11 lbs in the last month. (My overall weight gain is good, about 14 lbs) I'm hoping the fact that I kept my shoes on is what makes the difference, but I'm guessing it didn't throw it off by that much...GRR!!! I'm hoping that with the weather warming up, we'll be able to get outside more and that'll help me work off some of the swiss cake rolls I've been eating!!! ;)


25 Weeks Pregnant PICTURES!!!

OK OK OK, I know a lot of you have been asking to see belly pics. I tell you all that I look pretty much the same, pregnant or not, because I'm so fluffy. Yes, fluffy. Because it sounds nice, makes me think of an edible cloud of frosting :D
Anyway, on to the pics. Y'all are LUCKY, because I conned my friend Kim into taking a couple of shots quick before the Sound of Washington concert (a choir I help coordinate) tonight, so my hair is all DID and stuff, and I'm at that stressed/frazzled point, so I don't normally look this CRAZY (some might argue that point) but here they are:

Since she wasn't pleased with the background on the first one, she took a second one in the hallway with a better background:

So there. All of you who have been calling me a SLACKER!!! I slack no more!! :P Have a happy Easter!!!


Nothing new, but fun!

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since the last update, and I've been told I'm slacking on the blogging, although nothing really exciting or fun has happened lately. Today, though, Dorothy decided she was going to be interesting. I was sitting on the couch, vegging out as I tend to do when I'm trying to figure out if/what I'm going to make for supper (I won, didn't cook tonight! hehe) and suddenly my belly (and other fatty parts of me, although that doesn't really narrow it down...) started wiggling, with no explainable reason from the OUTSIDE. I could feel her squirming and kicking inside, and it was so fun to finally SEE her kicks!! She's a bit of a turkey, as every time I feel her kick and am able to try to feel it with my hand, she stops...let's hope this doesn't indicate a trying child for Henry and Emily!!!

On a different note, I've been thinking a lot lately about my surrogate tattoo. I found a pretty celtic mother's knot, that the intention is you add a dot for each baby:

but my long-term intent would be to add initials and dates for each future surrobabe, plus most artists won't even touch you for less than $50, so paying that much for a little dot would make me mad. So here's my challenge to you all: help me with my tattoo!!! Come up with a great idea, nothing too big or gaudy, but something that's sweet (like me hehe) and will fit nicely on my left shoulderblade (my kids are on my right). The prize will go to the winner(s), it will be my lifelong thanks for coming up with an awesome tattoo idea!!!!

Another checkup is next Thursday, the 28th, so be looking for an update then, although I'm sure it will be another boring visit!! Have a great Easter, everyone!!!


22 Week Update

Went in for my checkup this morning. Boring, as usual. But that's a good thing. Of course she measured the fundal height (yep, sure, whatever that is hehe) and listened to the heartbeat. Little Dorothy was a wiggler this morning and it actually took the doc a couple of minutes to find (and keep) the heartbeat long enough to count it, but she ended up with something in the 140s, consistent with where she's been.
Nothing unusual has developed, so I didn't really have any questions for her. Rhogam shot (because I'm Rh negative) will be in about 6 weeks, next appointment is in 4 weeks, and after that one I start being seen every 2 weeks. wow! Time has flown by! We will probably start seriously talking about scheduling an induction at one of the next few appointments. Still not quite sure what Emily and Henry are thinking as far as dates, but we can schedule as early as July 29th, so that's all still up in the air, but hey, at least we know she'll be born sometime between today and the middle of August!!! Everyone have a fantastic weekend!!


The Big Gender Reveal!!!

Yesterday was the 20 week anatomy ultrasound!!! The tech showed us the growth charts and baby is almost right on the "average" line for everything, said everything looks good!!! I drank a small cup of coffee yesterday morning to make sure the baby didn't cross it's legs, because we REALLY wanted to know the sex, and the baby was playing peekaboo with us during the ultrasound. It was SO CUTE!!
So, for those of you who don't have me on Facebook or see me in person often, IT'S A GIRL!!! Emily and Henry will be joined by a baby "Dorothy" rather than Hunk.
I know several people have asked how I feel about this, because I have 2 boys and no girls. I'm pretty sure I don't want to have to deal with a teenage girl. I was one, and I sure don't want that kind of payback!!!! Yes, it would have been neat to have a girl myself, and I would have been happy wth either both times. But really, this is NOT my baby. I don't have that emotional mother/baby connection with her like I did with my boys when I was pregnant with them. I'm not really worried about how I'll cope with "giving up" this child, it's not my child. I have no right to it.
I'll have to hop back online later and get pics posted of the ultrasound, I have to get ready to go meet Emily and Henry for breakfast before they head back home. I'm going to be sad to see them leave, but they need to go spend time celebrating the girl with their family and friends!!
Hope everyone has a great day!!!


When's the big day???

TOMORROW!!!! Ultrasound is at 10:30 tomorrow morning, then we're going to tour the OB ward, then I have to hurry home and get working on the last minute stuff for the party!!!! This of course means (for those of you who are not attending the party) that you will have to wait till either late tomorrow night or Tuesday to find out the sex, IF the baby chooses to let us know what it is. Any guesses??? I'm thinking girl, slightly, not sure why, just am. I'll update as soon as I can!!!! Wish us luck!!!


Another great Dr. visit and a worrisome weekend

I know, it's been almost a week since my Dr. visit, but hey, I've been busy! Visit was on Friday, got to hear the heartbeat again and it was in the 150s like usual. As expected, it was a pee in a cup, listen to heartbeat, measure fundal height, ask if there's any questions type of visit.
The weekend was a bit more eventful. I was exhausted for some odd reason and everytime I tried to carry my 16 month old somewhere with bit of distance, my back ached (no huge surprise) and my belly hurt in an odd pressure/pulling way that I've never experienced before. I just dealt with it Saturday, thinking it would stop on it's own. It was still bothering me on Sunday so I mentioned something to Emily (who had been dealing with some sort of virus since Wednesday and today is finally back to her usual routine)and she had me call the OB department. The nurse said it's probably nothing, but Emily was a bit uneasy still. The nurse had told me that the on-call doc was coming in that evening for another patient, so she said if the doc hadn't been in by suppertime, she would have her call me. Doc basically said it's probably just my muscles groaning because my body didn't have as much time to recover between pregnancies as it did last time and last time I didn't have a toddler to carry around, so it's probably nothing, but if I wanted my cervix checked, she would be more than happy to do that to ease everyone's minds. Long story short, Emily decided she would prefer if the doc looked at me, just to be safe. I went in, got checked in and she checked me and the nurse listened to the heartbeat, still in the 150s. Doc said my cervix was high, long and closed. All good.
Anyway, that's been my adventures of late. Monday is the anatomy ultrasound, and we're hoping the little one will cooperate so we know if we should call it Dorothy or Hunk!!! I'll be sure to update within a day of that!!! Have a great week everyone!!


Doctors, Pharmacies, and PARTIES!!!!

Well, it's been about 2 weeks since the last update so I figure I had better keep you all satisfied with something, although nothing really has happened in the last 2 weeks, so I hope I don't disappoint!!
I had a lot of strange pressure in my head at the beginning of the week so I went to the dr. (long story short, OBs office had nobody in, so I was going to go see my family doc. He's on vacation. I was then going to see the on-call doc. Scheduler about flipped out when I mentioned something about being pregnant and she didn't think I could be seen. I ended up seeing my friend's OB in that office, she was amazing!) turns out you don't have to have sinus pain or pressure to have a sinus infection. Kind of surprised me. The even BETTER part of the story is the antibiotics. IDK how many of you know this about me, but I generally despise Wal-Mart. It's one of those things I feel like I have to shop there rather than waste the gas to drive 45 mins or more to a Target store, but I despise myself the entire time I'm in there, because I feel like a hypocrite. Anyway, I had the meds sent to Wal-Mart because my son had a prescription there waiting on me to pick it up. The lady said it was going to be a while, 15-20 minutes. I told myself to check back in 25 or 30. yep. That's how they roll. 30 minutes later, I'm checking in there, and they haven't even started it yet. REALLY?!?! It's a stinkin Z-Pak! You double check the script, you slap a label on it, and you print out the information that goes with it. I understand you're busy, but WOW. Needless to say I spent 55 minutes in Wal-Mart that day. Not by choice.
Here's some more FUN information! I have been planning a NOT baby shower for Emily and Henry!! I know I probably shouldn't be advertising this to all of my friends on the internet, as I don't want anyone to be super jealous that they didn't get invited, but I have been asked to keep it to a minimum, so I thought 20 invites would be sufficient. I opted for those who live around here rather than asking people to drive a long way for a silly party. So if you're offended that you're not invited, trust me it wasn't intentional, I don't hate you, I put a lot of thought into who I invited so nobody would be greatly inconvenienced. It's going to be TONS of fun, though!! I'll try to post pics afterwards so you can all feel like you were there! I've been getting package after package in the mail :D I love getting packages delivered!! Sometimes I wonder if I'm not addicted to online shopping!!
Anyway, that's all I have for now, feeling a few occasional flutters, but I think this kid is afraid of all the fat surrounding it ;) so s/he is not as pushy as my boys were. Maybe another sign of a girl???? Only 3 weeks & a few days till we find out!!!!


2nd OB Appointment Update!

I went to the second OB appointment on Friday. I know, it was 2 whole days ago, but I have been busy, some amazing friends of ours were married last night, my husband performed the ceremony and I made potato salad and helped with the other food. But, that's a story for another day.
Friday was AWESOME!! I got the see the female doc in my practice, I prefer her partially because she's female (I know, if you've seen one, you've seen them all, I'll be the first to say it, but seeing and showing are 2 very different things!) and partially because she's just more laid back about things. In fact, she was hilarious, asking all kinds of questions and stuff about surrogacy and how it had gone so far. (The nurse was a friend's mom and she was asking questions, too, but then seemed very apologetic for asking questions. Honestly, I really don't care!) We discussed the possibility of induction (yes, already!) and the earliest (medically) we can induce "just because" is the end of July, so I was happy to inform Emily and Henry of that, so they can think about how we'd like to do that. Our options are basically this:
1. Schedule induction for the first day we can and keep that unless we go into labor before then.
2. Schedule induction for due date (or any day after the date mentioned above) and keep that as a backup in case we don't go into labor before then.
3. Hope and pray this baby isn't like mine and requires an eviction notice to send me into labor and that my IPs will be able to make it here when they get the call that labor is started.
I have a feeling we're going to opt for either option 1 or option 2. Partially due to timing as far as Emily and Henry getting here (both of my boys were induced, 1st was about 13 1/2 hours from when pitocin was started, 2nd was about 11 1/2 hours from when pitocin was started, it's a 9 hour drive, they'll make it ;) I hope!!) Anway, that's pretty much up to Henry and Emily, unless this one decides to make an early entrance or there is a medical concern.
Also on Friday she listened for the heartbeat. She said it was in the 160's. She had to search for it, both of my boys she's mostly found it down on the left side, but this one she found it down on the right side...does that mean girl????? Also we scheduled the 20 week ultrasound this visit...March 14th!! Emily will be on spring break from college so that works wonderfully for them!!
That's pretty much it, nothing overly exciting but still exciting nonetheless!! Won't be too long before I get to visit the doc every other week!! Just a few more months!!
Anybody have any guesses as to pink or blue??? Let me know!!! Have a wonderful superbowl Sunday, and GO PACK GO!!!


Dear Non-Pregnant People of the World:

This was posted on one of my birth boards and I couldn't help but copy and paste it. I post this with a laugh, don't take it -too- seriously, though do take it somewhat seriously ;) The guidelines for after the baby is born also pertain to women who may not have given birth, but now have a child. Hope you all enjoy!!

I hope you find these guidelines helpful in your interactions with pregnant women, as failing to follow them may result in serious physical harm. If you are thinking, surely she doesn’t mean me – then you should probably read this twice.

1. The appropriate response to a couple telling you they are having a baby is ‘Congratulations!’ with enthusiasm. Any other response makes you a jerk.

2. Through the wonders of science, we now know that babies are made ONLY by the mother and father – not grandparents. Unless the baby is in your uterus or you are the man that helped put it there, you may not ever use the phrase ‘my baby’.

3. On the same note, unless you made the baby as defined in 2, the pregnancy, birth, and raising of the child are not about you. You do not have input. No one wants to hear your opinion unless they ask for it…

4. The body of a pregnant woman should be treated the same as any other body. You would not randomly touch someone’s stomach if they were not pregnant, nor would you inquire into the condition of their uterus, cervix, or how they plan to use their breasts. Pregnancy does not remove all traces of privacy from a woman.

5. Likewise, no woman wants to hear comments on her weight…ever. A pregnant woman does not find it flattering that you think she is about is pop, must be having twins, looks swollen or has gained weight in her face. Telling her she looks too small only makes her worry that she is somehow starving her baby. Making such comments invite her to critique your physical appearance and you may not act offended. The only acceptable comment on appearance is ‘You look fabulous!’.

6. By the time we are 20-30 years old, most of us have picked up on the fact that the summer is hot. We are hot every summer when we are not pregnant. We don’t need you to point out that we will be miserably hot before the baby comes. Nor do we need to know how badly you will feel for us because we will be pregnant during the summer and how glad you are that YOU will not be pregnant this coming summer.

7. There is a reason that tickets to Labor & Delivery are not yet sold on Ticketmaster. Childbirth is actually not a public event. It may sound crazy, but some women really do not relish the idea of their mother, MIL, or a host of other family members seeing their bare butt and genitals. Also, some people simply feel like the birth of their child is a private and emotional moment to be shared only by the parents. You weren’t invited to be there when the baby was created, you probably won’t be invited to be there when it comes out either.

8. Like everything else in life, unless you receive an invitation, you are NOT invited. This includes doctor appointments, ultrasounds, labor, delivery, the hospital, and the parent’s home. You do not decide if you will be there for the birth or if you will move in with the new parents to ‘help out’. If your assistance is desired, rest assured that you will be asked for it.

9. If you are asked to help after the birth, this means you should clean up the house, help with cooking meals, and generally stay out of the way. Holding the baby more than the parents, interfering with breastfeeding and sleeping schedules, and making a woman who is still leaking fluid from multiple locations lift a finger in housework is not helping.

10. The only people entitled to time with the baby are the parents. Whether they choose to have you at the hospital for the birth or ask for you to wait three weeks to visit, appreciate that you are being given the privilege of seeing their child. Complaining or showing disappointment only encourages the parents to include you less.

Sincerely, All the Pregnant Women in the World


Nothing New and Exciting Pertaining to Pregnancy, But...

Tonight is the first rehearsal for Sound of Washington! Sound of Washington is one of my (several) passions in life. It is a choir for people with special needs. We get together, have fun, sing, and at the end of each session (about 3 months long) they perform for the community and their family and friends. This is an opportunity for them to socialize, to have fun singing and learning new songs, and to feel a sense of accomplishment for a job well done. I know some people do not appreciate the struggles and hurdles of a person with a disability, I know I didn't much before I was exposed to it first hand. I have come to love the individuals who sing in the choir, who each has their own special skill. Yes, some of them may not actually sing words, but I don't believe there is a single one who doesn't verbalize in some way and nearly all of them enjoy playing the instruments. And I believe that everyone deserves music in their life. While I understand that Sound of Washington may not be the ideal setting for everyone, it works for our friends who attend.

And...that's not my only good news. Today I scheduled my prenatal massage!! I was invited to be a friend of a "Willow Day Spa" on facebook and wasn't really sure who it was, but checked out the friends in common and realized it had to be somebody from my high school. I went ahead and friended them and they posted the other day about ordering a new prenatal pillow for the massages...piqued my interest, for obvious reasons! Anyway, I sent them a message on Facebook and asked them to call me and set up an appointment. Got a call back today and I'm booked for next Wednesday!! I can't WAIT! Nothing makes a woman feel good like a REAL massage. I know, those ones our hubbies give us do make us feel special and relieve some tension, but let's face it ladies, I'd bet most of our hubbies aren't nearly as good as a professional!! It was actually my husband who encouraged me to get it. I mentioned the deal I saw on Facebook and said it would be nice, but the hour drive to and from would make it cost even more :( thinking he'd agree and we'd drop it. He immediately said "just do it." I did a double take while trying to hide it. Not my typical husband, suggesting I go spend money frivolously. Anyway, that's my other great news. I love a good massage. Plus that's a GUARANTEED 3 hours to myself (i.e. no kids screaming and fighting, no messy house to look at and wonder where to start cleaning) and an hour of relaxation. AH! I'm feeling de-stressed already, and it's still a week away! Speaking of stress, I had better go get in the shower so I can get my kid from school in time to make it for his doctor's appointment...ah, the life of a mother. Busy and blessed.


Another Ultrasound!!!

And yes, I DO have pics, so if you're super impatient you can scroll straight down to them and skip all of the profound things I have to say and miss out on all of my words of wisdom (it's 8:30PM and I'm EXHAUSTED, so really, I doubt there's going to be much that makes sense typed tonight, so I really won't be upset to find out that's exactly what each and every one of you did!). However, if you're kindhearted and patient, you can stay here and read what I have to say.
Henry and Emily opted for the first trimester genetic screening rather than the second, as 1st trimester is something like 92% accurate and 2nd is about 88%. To be honest, I don't recall having the option last time I was pregnant, but that really doesn't mean much, I'm a wonderfully forgetful person! Anyway, I had the pleasure of driving up to the University (and everyone around here knows what a pain in the butt it is to get around in!) and get a level 2 ultrasound and a blood draw. Let me just say that I'm VERY glad I do my OB care in ANYWHERE other than the U!!! I put nearly 100 miles on my truck just going there and back (and no, that doesn't count my little jaunt over to Hobby Lobby afterwards), plus I had to find a darn parking spot in the ramp, pay for parking, go DOWN the elevator in the ramp to get to the skywalk, then BACK UP inside the building to the floor I had parked on, then wind my way halfway through the building to find the correct clinic. Can I just say that I DESPISE going to the University?? They generally give amazing patient care, it's not that, it's just SO much WORK to find where you're supposed to go!!!
OK so back to the narrative: the ultrasound was A-MAZ-ING!!! In Washington you have to climb your big pregnant butt up on the table thingy, then contort yourself all weird to see the screen, plus the tech has to contort so that you can see the screen. Then when you're done, you need help getting up because you have a full bladder AND some part of you that is essential to moving has seriously fallen asleep! This was like the ultimate luxurious ultrasound. She had me sit in a chair, I wondered how that was going to work. Then magically she pushed a button, like at the dentist, and the chair began to recline and my feet went up until I was lying down!! Then I look slightly up and there, hanging from the ceiling, is a monitor. Didn't think anything of it at first, but then I realized it had my information on it and I was going to be able to see the ultrasound images on it!!! Oh it was FANTASTIC!!!! She measured the neck and said everything looked good there, showed me the stomach and the heartbeat, which was 157. She printed off 3 pictures, 2 profiles and one where the baby is waving! Emailed them to Emily last night and she LOVED them!! So I'll let you get to the good part, here's the pictures:

Profile #1

Profile #2

Here's the one where little Dorothy or Hunk (yes, we even have faux baby names!) is waving to Emily and Henry!


I HAVE PICTURES!!! (And cravings and food aversions)

So here's the ultrasound picture. I finally won the battle with my printer/scanner (BEFORE I bought more ink!! BWAHAHAHA!!! Yes, I TOTALLY won!!) and I was able to scan that baby in here!!
That's all I really have to share, sorry to lure you in with lucrative post titles, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!! Hope everyone has a fantastic week, I'm planning on it. As soon as this cold goes away, at least.
My IM started back to school today, lucky duck! That means she won't be at my beck and call to keep me entertained when I want someone (adult) to talk to, so I'll have to find another adult to chat with when I'm bored (or avoiding household duties ;) yes, we ALL do it!!)
Right now I'm trying to figure out what to make myself for breakfast. I have a friend who has a blog about food and she was raving about some interesting egg sandwiches she had the other day, and now I want an egg sandwich with bacon. Bacon's in the freezer, then I have to cook it (which I absolutely DESPISE doing!), so I'm debating whether or not it's really worth it. We'll see.
For all my followers who are mommies: What were your cravings or food aversions? Me, I'm constantly craving mexican, salty and spicy. Food aversions: BBQ and anything that I craved a half hour ago lol (except mexican, salty and spicy)


First Official Prenatal Visit!

Yesterday was my first real prenatal visit. It was pretty amazing! Had a medical student in there with the doc, apparently it was quite helpful to him that I let him do the exam and pap, that way he saw on the ultrasound machine what a 10 week fetus/uterus looks like, then felt it during the exam. That was VERY interesting, I've never had so many people in the room checking out my private parts when I've not been in labor!!
So anyway, they did an ultrasound yesterday, that was pretty cool to see. The doc actually snapped a pic of the machine with the pic on it during the ultrasound and messaged it to Emily, it was neat! (he assured me that that was all he had taken a picture of and showed me that he had deleted it afterwards lol)
Then we got to preregister. BOY, was THAT fun...ugh! Turns out the hospital wants the ENTIRE max out of pocket, and they want it all BEFORE the baby is due, which is in 7 months. HOW RUDE!! That's just over $350 per month, which is a LOT of money!! So long story short, we're going to try to explain to them that technically the drs office will be entitled to some of that as well, and since the drs office bills AFTER the birth, they won't have to pay it all up front and they will be able to EAT while they're waiting for their baby lol!
So yes, we saw the baby, she's seen the pics, I'll see if I can figure out how to post one on here, but no promises. Next appointment is in February, just have to go to Iowa City sometime in the next 2 weeks to get the genetic testing done, just a blood draw, no big deal.
So, I guess the next big update is in a month. Like I'll be able to hold off till then!! Hope evreyone's having a great start to 2011!!! Blessings to you all!!!


Nurse Visit Day

Had my appointment with the nurse from my OB clinic today. It was purely giving medical history, labs, pee in a cup, and organizing some details for when Henry and Emily come to appointments. I did actually happen to speak with the doctor today, but only because he came in the room to give the nurse some info for another patient, and he re-introduced himself to me, and I got to meet the medical student. Not sure if the medical student is a long-term thing, but he was easy on the eyes, if you know what I mean ;) Both the nurse and the doctor had some questions for me about surrogacy, it was kind of like I was the circus freak but I totally understand.
There was one interesting event that transpired: our due date may have changed. I'm having trouble (as is Emily) figuring out how we got our guess at a due date, but using the wheel and going by both when I ovulated AND my last period (I know TMI, sorry!) she said it gives us a due date of August 1st, give or take a day or 2. Anyway, the good news about that (there's 2 bits of it) are:
1. Emily will have more time with the baby before going back to school if s/he is born at the beginning of August rather than the end.
2. Due to the confusion, it ups our chance of having an ultrasound on Friday. The nurse said that between that and the "special circumstances" we might get one, but she was afraid to sound too sure, so I won't get mad if he doesn't do one, I'm sure.
Anyway, for the new possible due date, it looks like we're at 10weeks 1day.
So that's been my day, I had a HUGE craving for Taco Bell, so I went and got myself a chalupa and some nachos for lunch, which were FANTASTIC with some lemonade (now I understand the connection between mexican food and lime margaritas), the chips were so WONDERFULLY salty, the chalupa was perfectly seasoned and had just the right amount of hot sauce on it, the lemonade was the perfect sour addition, oh, it was like Heaven in my mouth! That is officially the first craving that I have fulfilled that I have actually liked the flavor of once I got it!!
Oh, and for those of you who like these things: all bets are on girl at this point. With the boys (yes, both) I craved sweets, the mere thought of sugar turns my stomach at this point. Also, a chinese gender predictor online said girl (I checked and it said boy for both of the boys). Henry and Emily are excited yet apprehensive at the thought of a girl, I just told Henry he needs to oil up his shotgun and he'll be fine ;) I have heard something about some method of telling sex by the placement of the placenta (left or right) on the ultrasound early, so I'm going to ask which side it's on as there are a group of us on my mom's board who are curious and have decided to do this just for fun. I'll let y'all know!!
Friday is my wonderful first visit with the OB, pap (can we say oh yay?) will be done then, and I think we will register for the payments. Ought to be interesting!!
Oh, and I am not allowed to say any names, but I just have to spill it: I have a friend who is also pregnant now!!! She thinks she is due around Sept. 1, so we will get to be pregnant together this summer!!! WAHOO!!! Have a fantastic week, everyone, I'll catch ya up on the due date (hopefully) on Friday!