
The Big Gender Reveal!!!

Yesterday was the 20 week anatomy ultrasound!!! The tech showed us the growth charts and baby is almost right on the "average" line for everything, said everything looks good!!! I drank a small cup of coffee yesterday morning to make sure the baby didn't cross it's legs, because we REALLY wanted to know the sex, and the baby was playing peekaboo with us during the ultrasound. It was SO CUTE!!
So, for those of you who don't have me on Facebook or see me in person often, IT'S A GIRL!!! Emily and Henry will be joined by a baby "Dorothy" rather than Hunk.
I know several people have asked how I feel about this, because I have 2 boys and no girls. I'm pretty sure I don't want to have to deal with a teenage girl. I was one, and I sure don't want that kind of payback!!!! Yes, it would have been neat to have a girl myself, and I would have been happy wth either both times. But really, this is NOT my baby. I don't have that emotional mother/baby connection with her like I did with my boys when I was pregnant with them. I'm not really worried about how I'll cope with "giving up" this child, it's not my child. I have no right to it.
I'll have to hop back online later and get pics posted of the ultrasound, I have to get ready to go meet Emily and Henry for breakfast before they head back home. I'm going to be sad to see them leave, but they need to go spend time celebrating the girl with their family and friends!!
Hope everyone has a great day!!!

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