
Another Home Pregnancy Test Says....

Well, we weren't sure what the faint faint second line meant on the HPT that came with the OPK. So yesterday I ran to the store and got one of those ones that you can use up to 6 days earlier (yippee). Here's what it said:



Anyway, just thought I'd share with you all. Kind of makes this Monday morning not so bad. :D Emily and Henry are ecstatic, as am I. Both of them were pretty much speechless. They're going to be GREAT parents!!! Have a great week, everyone!



Alright. Tomorrow was to be the day that I should POAS (they suggest waiting 16 days after you get a positive OPK to POAS). Of course I couldn't wait that long! I tested Friday and again this morning. Both times got a faint 2nd line. Not really sure what this means, as with the OPK a faint 2nd line meant BFN (big fat negative). So for now I'm still just operating as though I'm pregnant (taking my prenatals, eating healthy (well, as healthy as I can eat...I'm a midwestern gal, we don't eat THAT healthy as a rule!), and not engaging in "dangerous" things (so yeah, my cocaine habit has been stalled ;) as well as my heavy daily drinking lol!). Anyway, just thought I'd keep y'all updated, I'm really not sure what to think. I don't want to get my hopes up too much, I can't stand the letdown when AF comes :( Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday and remembered what it's really about. Looking forward to Christmas and the New Year. Hopefully Emily and Henry will get to be parents in 2011!!


Another horrid 2ww

Yes, we have yet ANOTHER 2ww. In about 2 weeks I'll be able to POAS (pee on a stick, AKA home pregnancy test) and hopefully get a BFP!!! So for now it's just praying, crossing my fingers, and doing everything as though I'm pregnant. We'll see how it goes!! 2 weeks is an awfully long time!!!! Will update as soon as I know something!



Just took an ovulation test and got a BIG FAT POSITIVE (BFP)!!! Henry is headed here to do an insem this evening, hopefully this will be the one that sticks!!! Everyone pray and keep your fingers crossed!!!!