
A sad week.

This is a sad week for me. Everything is OK with the pregnancy, I'm sure that's going to be everyone's first question. I'm sad because I am quitting my job as a direct care provider to people with special needs. Yes, just like every single other job I've had, there were days when I wished I didn't work there (mostly because I was tired and wanted to stay home and sleep or because I wanted to spend time with my family!), but really, this is one of those jobs you just fall in love with and can't imagine yourself not being a part of.
Bubba's hours have changed and in order for me to continue working there, I would have to pay out more in daycare than what I'd make, so it just wouldn't make sense as our daycare generally is to come out of my paychecks for our budget to balance.
I will still get to see a lot of my friends from work at Sound of Washington, but I'm just not sure it will be the same, plus it's not in session year-round, so I may have to make a few house calls to those I won't be seeing around town.
I am at peace with my decision to quit, it only makes sense and I am looking forward to seeing my kiddos more. Of course, I'm a bit worried about taking time for myself, but I'm sure I can schedule it in somewhere. So to all of my friends out there that live near me (or will be visiting the area anytime) get ready for more invites out!!!
I know this isn't really surrogacy related, but I just had to have an outlet. Thanks for listening, everyone! Hope you all have a blessed Christmas, it's only 4 days away!! Oh, and I have a cute little Christmas story to share with you:
Zach was eating 2 cookies last night on a plate that had a reindeer on it. He took the second one and broke it into 8 pieces for Santa's reindeer! That boy LOVES his cookies, I was surprised to see that!! He's very very excited for Christmas to come, he thinks he's getting a dirt bike because "Santa said I could have one." Ah, if only it worked that way!!


  1. You'll get used to it! We pay out so much in daycare, it's redic. I literally take home $20/day after daycare, but stay because of the benefits and the hope that someday I'll have a better position and make more money! lol We are actually strongly considering J being a stay at home dad after tax season...we'll see how that goes. I'll put you on my list of people to call the next time I go home. I think we were going to have a sledding party where we drink spiked cider and sled. We'll pay Riss to drive us. She'll be (gasp!) 15 tomorrow.

  2. HAHAA!! I cant' drink, I'll drive ;) Thanks for thinking of me, Cassie!!
