
26 week checkup!

Yep, this morning was my checkup. Boring, as usual. Heard the heartbeat, sounded good and strong, and doc said I am measuring just right for 26 weeks. We discussed my fear of this baby being even bigger than Bradin was (he came out at 9 lbs!), but doc said that measuring the uterus is fairly reliable and "normal" measurements suggest that baby is going to be of "average size" (7-8 lb range) but suggested we do an ultrasound at 30ish weeks (which, incidentally is when Emily and Henry will be here for a dr.s appointment...sort of a coincidince, sort of not hehe) to do some measurements, just to be more sure.
I start being seen every 2 weeks now, so the updates will be more frequent. And at my next checkup I get to do all of the fun stuff: 1-hour glucose test, rhogam workup, and rhogam shot. Yippee!!! That means that before my checkup I get to run over to the hospital and drink the orange drink (kind of tastes like half-carbonated orange soda, some women despise it, I don't mind it.) then in an hour they will do a blood draw to see how my body breaks down the sugars I ingest. The rhogam shot is just a shot, but basically it's since I'm Rh negative, if the baby's blood type is positive and the baby's blood mixes with my blood, my body could try to fight it like a disease and it could hurt the baby. This shot is given at 28ish weeks and prevents my body from reacting to the baby's blood. It's well worth getting a shot, and besides, who doesn't love a good burning shot in the hip or shoulder?????
The only negative thing that came out of today is the weight. By my weight chart, it APPEARS that I've gained 11 lbs in the last month. (My overall weight gain is good, about 14 lbs) I'm hoping the fact that I kept my shoes on is what makes the difference, but I'm guessing it didn't throw it off by that much...GRR!!! I'm hoping that with the weather warming up, we'll be able to get outside more and that'll help me work off some of the swiss cake rolls I've been eating!!! ;)

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