
Nothing new, but fun!

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since the last update, and I've been told I'm slacking on the blogging, although nothing really exciting or fun has happened lately. Today, though, Dorothy decided she was going to be interesting. I was sitting on the couch, vegging out as I tend to do when I'm trying to figure out if/what I'm going to make for supper (I won, didn't cook tonight! hehe) and suddenly my belly (and other fatty parts of me, although that doesn't really narrow it down...) started wiggling, with no explainable reason from the OUTSIDE. I could feel her squirming and kicking inside, and it was so fun to finally SEE her kicks!! She's a bit of a turkey, as every time I feel her kick and am able to try to feel it with my hand, she stops...let's hope this doesn't indicate a trying child for Henry and Emily!!!

On a different note, I've been thinking a lot lately about my surrogate tattoo. I found a pretty celtic mother's knot, that the intention is you add a dot for each baby:

but my long-term intent would be to add initials and dates for each future surrobabe, plus most artists won't even touch you for less than $50, so paying that much for a little dot would make me mad. So here's my challenge to you all: help me with my tattoo!!! Come up with a great idea, nothing too big or gaudy, but something that's sweet (like me hehe) and will fit nicely on my left shoulderblade (my kids are on my right). The prize will go to the winner(s), it will be my lifelong thanks for coming up with an awesome tattoo idea!!!!

Another checkup is next Thursday, the 28th, so be looking for an update then, although I'm sure it will be another boring visit!! Have a great Easter, everyone!!!


  1. What about something like this? http://www.zhippo.com/ChloeVanessaUnholyGrailTattooHOSTED/images/gallery/medium/flowers_celtic_knot_tattoo.jpg You can add a flower each time, and could incorporate the initials into the flower somehow... How many times are you planning on surrogat-ing? (what exactly is the appropriate term there? lol)

  2. Hmmm, I think I like it. Still keeping my options open, though. The thought of adding a flower that close to an existing tat makes me want to cry, scar tissue HURTS to tat on!!!
    And I'm not sure on the terminology, I usually just say "planning on being a surrogate" and the answer is I don't know. I'd love to do it again and again until I can't anymore (at this point). I'm sure my answer to that will change at some point, but I'm lovin it!!!
