
She's a whole week old!!!

Yes, that's right, Baby Dorothy is a whole week old! She had her first checkup with the doctor on Thursday and they said she looks great and seems to be perfectly healthy. I think she looks pretty perfect. Don't you?

I'm doing pretty well, physically I feel mostly recouperated and emotionally I'm no worse than either of my previous deliveries. The hormones are still a litte out of whack and I've freaked out on the boys a couple times this week, but that's not too out of the norm ;) they like to push my buttons.

I was hoping to get some stuff accomplished this week, and I did get 1 thing nearly done. I have been working on making a quilt for our bed. The one we received as a wedding present from my aunt (yes, 8 years ago!) is finally getting close to it's last days. It will soon be moved to my trunk so it can be our picnic/in case of emergencies/outdoor blanket. I washed it today and I believe it's pretty much on it's last leg. :( Here's what I have so far:

And I'm excited to add a border or 2 to it, then quilt and bind it. I'm hoping I have that done by Christmas. I have several crafty things I'd like to make for friends and famiy for Christmas, so I hope I get them all done in time!

I'll update on baby Dorothy and the quilt (hopefully!) soon!

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