
Yep, it's official...

I had my first "what happened to the baby?" conversation the other day and I've been thinking about it ever since. Chuckling. It went something like this:

Hey, I thought you had 3?
Oh, well then...
Yeah, the third pregnancy was a surrogacy.
(significant silence) Meaning what?
Meaning I grew a baby for other people.
Oh. Wow. Are you friends with them? (HA!One of my favorite questions!)
Well, I am now. Wasn't before I met them as prospective IPs.
Oh. Well, that's nice of you.

It was a very interesting conversation, with a man in my small town who's son I went to school with. Very interesting, indeed. And I thought it was all over town! And today while walking a bit uptown a lady gave me a funny look when she asked where the baby was and I said Kentucky...I love those reactions! I just let her puzzle on it though. Why ruin my fun? I don't see her very often anyway. Aren't I mean??? Hehe!

Not that people asking about Dorothy and her parents bothers me or annoys me (most of the time), but really, do you think I grew them a baby because I DON'T like them??? And do you think they'd entrust me with doing that for them and NOT somewhat get to know me and have fairly constant contact with me for something like 9ish months?? HA!! I'd be ALL OVER some chick if she was doing it for me!! Heck, I'd probably try to get her to move to my town so I could be on top of her 24/7! People entertain me. I love it!


  1. Interesting how different people react. Kind of funny actually. :)

  2. Yes, the look on his face was pretty priceless. Kinda wish now I had gotten a pic of it to include on here. It's always so fun to watch people's faces as they process it all.
    Sorry it took so long for me to respond, apparently all I can do with my account is write blog posts, not respond to them on any blog. Frustrating!
