
Another Ultrasound!!!

And yes, I DO have pics, so if you're super impatient you can scroll straight down to them and skip all of the profound things I have to say and miss out on all of my words of wisdom (it's 8:30PM and I'm EXHAUSTED, so really, I doubt there's going to be much that makes sense typed tonight, so I really won't be upset to find out that's exactly what each and every one of you did!). However, if you're kindhearted and patient, you can stay here and read what I have to say.
Henry and Emily opted for the first trimester genetic screening rather than the second, as 1st trimester is something like 92% accurate and 2nd is about 88%. To be honest, I don't recall having the option last time I was pregnant, but that really doesn't mean much, I'm a wonderfully forgetful person! Anyway, I had the pleasure of driving up to the University (and everyone around here knows what a pain in the butt it is to get around in!) and get a level 2 ultrasound and a blood draw. Let me just say that I'm VERY glad I do my OB care in ANYWHERE other than the U!!! I put nearly 100 miles on my truck just going there and back (and no, that doesn't count my little jaunt over to Hobby Lobby afterwards), plus I had to find a darn parking spot in the ramp, pay for parking, go DOWN the elevator in the ramp to get to the skywalk, then BACK UP inside the building to the floor I had parked on, then wind my way halfway through the building to find the correct clinic. Can I just say that I DESPISE going to the University?? They generally give amazing patient care, it's not that, it's just SO much WORK to find where you're supposed to go!!!
OK so back to the narrative: the ultrasound was A-MAZ-ING!!! In Washington you have to climb your big pregnant butt up on the table thingy, then contort yourself all weird to see the screen, plus the tech has to contort so that you can see the screen. Then when you're done, you need help getting up because you have a full bladder AND some part of you that is essential to moving has seriously fallen asleep! This was like the ultimate luxurious ultrasound. She had me sit in a chair, I wondered how that was going to work. Then magically she pushed a button, like at the dentist, and the chair began to recline and my feet went up until I was lying down!! Then I look slightly up and there, hanging from the ceiling, is a monitor. Didn't think anything of it at first, but then I realized it had my information on it and I was going to be able to see the ultrasound images on it!!! Oh it was FANTASTIC!!!! She measured the neck and said everything looked good there, showed me the stomach and the heartbeat, which was 157. She printed off 3 pictures, 2 profiles and one where the baby is waving! Emailed them to Emily last night and she LOVED them!! So I'll let you get to the good part, here's the pictures:

Profile #1

Profile #2

Here's the one where little Dorothy or Hunk (yes, we even have faux baby names!) is waving to Emily and Henry!

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