
I HAVE PICTURES!!! (And cravings and food aversions)

So here's the ultrasound picture. I finally won the battle with my printer/scanner (BEFORE I bought more ink!! BWAHAHAHA!!! Yes, I TOTALLY won!!) and I was able to scan that baby in here!!
That's all I really have to share, sorry to lure you in with lucrative post titles, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!! Hope everyone has a fantastic week, I'm planning on it. As soon as this cold goes away, at least.
My IM started back to school today, lucky duck! That means she won't be at my beck and call to keep me entertained when I want someone (adult) to talk to, so I'll have to find another adult to chat with when I'm bored (or avoiding household duties ;) yes, we ALL do it!!)
Right now I'm trying to figure out what to make myself for breakfast. I have a friend who has a blog about food and she was raving about some interesting egg sandwiches she had the other day, and now I want an egg sandwich with bacon. Bacon's in the freezer, then I have to cook it (which I absolutely DESPISE doing!), so I'm debating whether or not it's really worth it. We'll see.
For all my followers who are mommies: What were your cravings or food aversions? Me, I'm constantly craving mexican, salty and spicy. Food aversions: BBQ and anything that I craved a half hour ago lol (except mexican, salty and spicy)

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