
Nothing New and Exciting Pertaining to Pregnancy, But...

Tonight is the first rehearsal for Sound of Washington! Sound of Washington is one of my (several) passions in life. It is a choir for people with special needs. We get together, have fun, sing, and at the end of each session (about 3 months long) they perform for the community and their family and friends. This is an opportunity for them to socialize, to have fun singing and learning new songs, and to feel a sense of accomplishment for a job well done. I know some people do not appreciate the struggles and hurdles of a person with a disability, I know I didn't much before I was exposed to it first hand. I have come to love the individuals who sing in the choir, who each has their own special skill. Yes, some of them may not actually sing words, but I don't believe there is a single one who doesn't verbalize in some way and nearly all of them enjoy playing the instruments. And I believe that everyone deserves music in their life. While I understand that Sound of Washington may not be the ideal setting for everyone, it works for our friends who attend.

And...that's not my only good news. Today I scheduled my prenatal massage!! I was invited to be a friend of a "Willow Day Spa" on facebook and wasn't really sure who it was, but checked out the friends in common and realized it had to be somebody from my high school. I went ahead and friended them and they posted the other day about ordering a new prenatal pillow for the massages...piqued my interest, for obvious reasons! Anyway, I sent them a message on Facebook and asked them to call me and set up an appointment. Got a call back today and I'm booked for next Wednesday!! I can't WAIT! Nothing makes a woman feel good like a REAL massage. I know, those ones our hubbies give us do make us feel special and relieve some tension, but let's face it ladies, I'd bet most of our hubbies aren't nearly as good as a professional!! It was actually my husband who encouraged me to get it. I mentioned the deal I saw on Facebook and said it would be nice, but the hour drive to and from would make it cost even more :( thinking he'd agree and we'd drop it. He immediately said "just do it." I did a double take while trying to hide it. Not my typical husband, suggesting I go spend money frivolously. Anyway, that's my other great news. I love a good massage. Plus that's a GUARANTEED 3 hours to myself (i.e. no kids screaming and fighting, no messy house to look at and wonder where to start cleaning) and an hour of relaxation. AH! I'm feeling de-stressed already, and it's still a week away! Speaking of stress, I had better go get in the shower so I can get my kid from school in time to make it for his doctor's appointment...ah, the life of a mother. Busy and blessed.


  1. Hooray for massages! I've never had a professional one, I usually just opt for the pedis instead lol How are you feeling overall?

  2. Feeling overall amazing. Craving some fairly healthy foods for the most part: eggplant, eggs, salsa. Nothing like the skittles & candy bars with the boys! Its actually Brooke Wagler from high school who runs the spa. Its in Iowa City if you want to join me next Wednesday! I'm sure it will be fantastic and I'll feel the need to blog about it ;) so you won't feel left out. This will be my 2nd professional massage unless you count the 1 I had from a coworker who was a student. I love massages!!
